
El Capitan Solo Climb

The crucible in stone would make a final romantic poem from me to Yosemite.
I meant “final” to mean “until I return” but I was aware many poems are tragic.

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Energy Resonates Awareness

Moving our identity out of the inner dialog into presence requires collected energy as well as awareness. Awareness is sterile without energy. When our energy and awareness resonate together, it makes for presence. When presence is strongly resonating as our center, it’s much easier to abide in. The Mind can rest in that, because it is Peace and Love itself.

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The Self Beyond and Within

This physical body is our Earth SuitWe traverse our journey on this planet in itEventually it passes away. We remain alive beyond this Earth Suit.We

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Festival Workshops

Each year I present workshops and Ceremonies at West Coast Festivals and Burning Man. I Feel these events can be transformative, deep and fun too.

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Being The Self

The deepest level of Human is Being. God and Soul are both essentially That;  Beingness. Beingness that encompasses Awareness and Feeling. The essence of Feeling

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Happiness Within

Expanding our capacity for Love and Inner Peace are both thoroughly worthy goals whether you think there is a God or not. After all, Happiness

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My Journey

Meeting Maharaj Ji

In contrast to the subtle vibration I felt in person, the “Inner Maharaj ji” bowled me over in a flood of Spiritual Light. Nothing subtle about it, it was a cosmic portal of power, one that nourished the local area and the larger sphere with Light and Love.

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Life is Perfect

The misunderstanding is that this world is supposed to be fun and enjoyable. This planet is more of a sphere of tough lessons and evolution

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Why God Can Never Be Proven

It’s almost a universal question: I don’t believe in a God envisioned as an old man with a white beard in the sky, but I’m open to the existence of a Universal Principle. How can I know? Can you Prove God?

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What is God

What is God? Folks tend to try to understand God in terms they can understand. Many tend to visualize God as very human and somewhat

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Reclaiming Love

Don’t blame Love The only ones who haven’t experienced broken hearts are the ones who never opened theirs. After suffering a broken heart, we often

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Love in Essence

Love is a Reality beyond words, but it can be helpful to use words to point to it so we don’t mistake it for its

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Meeting Poonja Ji

I first heard about H.W.L.Poonja Ji around the sacred fire of Baba Amarnath. A new friend Murray remarked,  “This Baba is the only saint I’ve

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Baba Muktananda

Way back in the day, i was in college and just had a radical and unexpected spiritual awakening. Spriituality was all new to me. I

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Advice to be Real

Without knowing you….just knowing how people are living and thinking in these times…this is my advice for whoever has the synchronistic fortune to come across

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Transformational Festivals

As we transform within, we are also inspired and empowered by joining with others who feel a similar communion with the essence of Love and Life. They may not visit our particular church, sweat lodge, or ashram, but we can sense they are kindred spirits in our hearts. We reflect each other’s light to one another. We grow and support each other’s awakening when we come together with open hearts.

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