El Capitan Solo Climb
The crucible in stone would make a final romantic poem from me to Yosemite.
I meant “final” to mean “until I return” but I was aware many poems are tragic.
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The crucible in stone would make a final romantic poem from me to Yosemite.
I meant “final” to mean “until I return” but I was aware many poems are tragic.
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Sometimes the greatest adventures unfold from an ambitious goal confounded by errors and bad judgement, redeemed by luck, faith, tenacity or even something like grace.
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Moving our identity out of the inner dialog into presence requires collected energy as well as awareness. Awareness is sterile without energy. When our energy and awareness resonate together, it makes for presence. When presence is strongly resonating as our center, it’s much easier to abide in. The Mind can rest in that, because it is Peace and Love itself.
Energy Resonates Awareness Read More »
This physical body is our Earth SuitWe traverse our journey on this planet in itEventually it passes away. We remain alive beyond this Earth Suit.We inhabit other bodies,dream-like energetic light bodies,even bodies more subtle and profoundThey are layers within us now. We live in them through this life and beyond. Spiritual practices, emotional healing, evolution
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Being Present with an Open heart is the Heart of Spirituality
Spirituality is ultimately another word for our State of Being.
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Each year I present workshops and Ceremonies at West Coast Festivals and Burning Man. I Feel these events can be transformative, deep and fun too. I Love the community I know from them and the new people I meet there. Here is something I wrote about festivals. In 2012 I introduced a Workshop that is a
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The deepest level of Human is Being. God and Soul are both essentially That; Beingness. Beingness that encompasses Awareness and Feeling. The essence of Feeling is Bliss. When “Another” is present, Bliss becomes Love. Awareness becomes the mind by assuming the form of our thoughts. Identification with the content of our minds clouds the Awareness
Expanding our capacity for Love and Inner Peace are both thoroughly worthy goals whether you think there is a God or not. After all, Happiness and fulfillment are inner states. We all know beautiful people, talented people, and rich people who are tortured within…unhappy inside. Funny thing is, once you untwist the twisted human condition,
In contrast to the subtle vibration I felt in person, the “Inner Maharaj ji” bowled me over in a flood of Spiritual Light. Nothing subtle about it, it was a cosmic portal of power, one that nourished the local area and the larger sphere with Light and Love.
Meeting Maharaj Ji Read More »
The misunderstanding is that this world is supposed to be fun and enjoyable. This planet is more of a sphere of tough lessons and evolution by experience. I’ve also been a serious rock-climber. Climbing is often dangerous and painful, but we do it for the adventure and experience. Amazingly, there is a perfection to our