The misunderstanding is that this world is supposed to be fun and enjoyable. This planet is more of a sphere of tough lessons and evolution by experience. I’ve also been a serious rock-climber. Climbing is often dangerous and painful, but we do it for the adventure and experience.
Amazingly, there is a perfection to our life here. It’s “Karma.” Everything that ever happened to you has brought you to where you are today. An honest look into yourself will show you that your life is a reflection of your inner attitudes and feelings. Change yourself and everything changes around you. Karma is not reward or punishment for your actions. It is reflection. Prem Baba says karma is a debt of learning.
Take the evil and hell out of yourself and it stops tormenting you from outside. If you see that this is true for you, you’ll find it easier to accept that it’s true for others as well. This is not some a stick to blame anyone with. Our attitudes and perspectives are deeply habituated. People have suffered trauma and being stuck is more common than being free.
God is beyond all conception, and not some cruel task master in the sky. It takes light billions of years at 182,000 miles per second to traverse God’s physical universe. Just as we create worlds in our dreams, this world is the dream of God and countless other worlds as well, (I’m told most aren’t as rough as this place)
God is not judging us. We judge ourselves.
Note that Jesus said “judge not, lest ye be judged.”
It’s an automatic process built into our consciousness. We create our life. Imagine a system of perfect justice, where motive and intention count the most and cannot be concealed. There are no loopholes.
Don’t think it’s good enough to be a good person. If we are hard on ourselves, don’t like ourselves, and judge ourselves, then hard things will happen to us. We sentence ourselves unconsciously to pain through our self-loathing.
Imagine this system spread out over lifetimes, so that evolution can have the time needed and the burdens of heavy lives can be dissolved, leading to a fresh start. Just like we need to sleep after a big day, we need to die and begin without the weight of our mental baggage. Even some of early Christians believed in past lives. Justice demands it. While we forget the burdens of the past, their seeds remain with us to challenge us again in a fresh life.
It’s an obstacle to see all pain and loss as bad or evil. Much of it is there to teach us. We can often look back and see how hard times have brought us our most valuable lessons and wisdom.
If a loved one dies, it’s often a cause of intense suffering. Perhaps they needed to leave a sick and tired body and embrace the next great adventure in a Life beyond this one. They might have an appointment to grow up and be somebody’s mom or brother. They might be in Bliss, enjoying a heavenly freedom while we are distraught, feeling sorry for them! We’d like to hang on and have them live to 150. That would be torture for them. We create our own misery by not accepting the rhythms of life and the poetry of the universe.
Take full responsibility for everything that happens to you and accept all pain without resistance to feeling it. This doesn’t mean you can’t work to change your circumstances, just don’t deny and exclude your experiences as they come. Search yourself for attitudes and assumptions that are self defeating and clear them. Don’t judge life by its compliance with your desires. Then see if there is a rhyme, reason and poetry to life. You are dancing in a hall of mirrors.
Peace and Love