
Advice to be Real

Without knowing you….just knowing how people are living and thinking in these times…this is my advice for whoever has the synchronistic fortune to come across my words You’re probably too busy. Busy-ness a disease that prevents us from feeling the life in us. Busy-ness a drug we use to avoid facing the feelings of life. […]

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Transformational Festivals

As we transform within, we are also inspired and empowered by joining with others who feel a similar communion with the essence of Love and Life. They may not visit our particular church, sweat lodge, or ashram, but we can sense they are kindred spirits in our hearts. We reflect each other’s light to one another. We grow and support each other’s awakening when we come together with open hearts.

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We are all shadowed by shame. We don’t always know it.

Shame makes us tell stories to ourselves that we’re not troubled so we don’t have to face our shame; but, however subconscious, we are ashamed of ourselves and often apologize for our existence.

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Spiritual Word Games

Humans seek emotional security. We want to feel good about ourselves. Deep down, we rarely achieve those good feelings because the “self” we wish to validate is built on a fantasy we have created rather than our true essence. In the struggle to keep our self-image positive, we even distort our spiritual values and beliefs in service of our egos. We play spiritual word games.

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